Tennessee Rock N' Roll - Bobby Helms

Oh I went down to Tennessee
yes I went down to Tennessee
What did I see in Tennessee

I saw a place where dancers meet
I swear I saw the dancingest feet
You never heard a wilder beat

They were doing the Tennessee rock'n roll
They were doing the Tennessee rock'n roll
Upon my soul the Tennessee rock'n roll

The caller called let's promenade
The fiddling man looked gone as he played
The old square dance had been remade

They were doing the Tennessee rock'n roll...
Then all at once before I knew
I joined in with the Hullaballoo
I dug the beat and did it too

I was doing the Tennessee rock'n roll
I was doing the Tennessee rock'n roll
Upon my soul the Tennessee rock'n roll

Come on let's all do the Tennessee rock'n roll
Come on let's all do the Tennessee rock'n roll
Upon my soul the Tennessee rock'n roll

view 154 times
